Portal26 named GenAI Visibility/Governance/Security Leader in Houlihan Lokey Cybersecurity Update 

Supercharge Your Enterprise’s Generative AI Investment With Portal26

At Portal26 (formerly Titaniam), our enterprise platform is meticulously crafted to deliver comprehensive GenAI visibility, insightful analytics, robust security, and effective generative AI governance. It seamlessly monitors usage and mitigates risks for both in-office and remote employees. Our SaaS solution effortlessly integrates with existing network security investments, providing organizations with instant value as they accelerate and embrace generative AI adoption. Use of the Portal26 generative AI TRiSM platform will unlock a whole host of operational superpowers that equip our customers with real time insights at their fingertips. 

Want to know more about the advantages of choosing Portal26 for your business? 

Here are four reasons why Portal26 should be your generative AI security, insights, and visibility platform of choice:

1. We effectively rule our Shadow AI

Our platform dashboard notifies the user when a new form of intelligence is used internally for the first time. This capability means that AI usage can be understood both in real time as it unfolds, and historically, giving key figures within enterprises a clear understanding on how AI usage is evolving, as well as the ROI generated by the platform. 

Triggers can be customized, and they can be set up to capture unusual usage – such as data anomalies, or to notify managers when employees visit unsanctioned AIs. The tool also eliminates shadow AI by governing any usage of inappropriate information in prompts, such as personally identifiable information (PII), protected health information (PHI) or intellectual property.

2. We utilize Gen AI prompt analytics to help enterprises work smarter

Our platform has also been tailored to capture and leverage a wealth of prompt analytics. From easy visualizations for prompt content to help leaders understand what their teams are doing with generative AI, to scanning prompts using AI and traditional techniques, so that organizations can minimize data loss and maximize positive outcomes.

So, what’s the key takeaway? Having access to this kind of Gen AI  prompt education can act as touchpoints in employee training, and this will ensure that AI knowledge is consistent across all levels of an enterprise.

3. Our SaaS platform is completely customizable

Portal26 customers can create, distribute, track, and trigger generative AI policies based on how and why the technology is being utilized. Generative AI acceptance policies used to be disconnected – often without clear visibility into adoption metrics, or without even being fully read and understood by those that they’d implicate. 

We used this disparity to inform the total transparency and accessibility that our AI TRiSM platform provides. Customers trigger and enforce their policy upon usage, and related metrics can be combined with overall usage and presented in a number of risk dashboards such as prompt risk, usage risk and compliance risk. Policy acceptances can be tracked and visualized, and where necessary, generative AI access can be restricted based on these metrics. This gives enterprises an opportunity to set their own boundaries when it comes to striking a balance between effective usage and potential wasted output.

4. We make cross-channel Gen AI integration simple

To make it easy to incorporate our platform into existing generative AI workflows, we’ve devised a selection of integration capabilities – from feeding in from code repositories, to accessing customer databases. We’ve also added the ability to flag risky prompts beyond data loss prevention (DLP) rules, integrate incident management, security orchestration, automation and response (SOAR), as well as alerting and observability platforms. Customers can also customize their own generative AI risk mitigation activities on our platform. 

We also provide enterprises with the ability to perform backward audits and forensic analysis on their generative AI consumption, closing a critical gap in enterprise GenAI risk management and security.

These extensive features and capabilities make for seamless adoption of our generative AI platform, giving our customers a clear uplift from the point of implementation.

Streamline your operations and protect your Generative AI investment with Portal26

Here at Portal26, we have a role to protect enterprises from the risks of generative AI usage such as data loss and intellectual property risks. However, we also serve to inform businesses on broader generative AI considerations – from effective policy and education, to productivity impacts, as well as embedding a deep understanding of how employees interact with the technology so that they can build adoption and acceleration programs that are catalysts for growth.

When you’re ready to embrace this versatile technology, you can book a platform demo to experience our solution first-hand.

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Your Generative AI investment FAQs

Investing in generative AI unleashes a whole array of operational advantages - from supporting automation, to making workflows more efficient, and making for smarter, smoother usage of internal data.

The main reasons that many companies are yet to invest in generative AI are:

  • Lack of clarity in its application - for example, not knowing exactly where generative AI platforms could play a role within business functionality, and not having an understanding of the processes that they could complement. 
  • Gaps in C-suite understanding - when key figures within organizations aren’t fully aware of the benefits that generative AI can have, the investment is often sidelined due to its complexities. For example, CISOs are approaching generative AI with caution, due to the need to abide by security and data sensitivity regulations. 
  • Integration challenges - adding generative AI platforms into workflows with existing systems can be difficult. Companies may be concerned about disruptions to their current operations, compatibility issues with legacy systems, and the overall impact on employee productivity during the integration process.


Not having clear visibility of the generative AI tools that employees are using can pose risks to compliance, cybersecurity, and ethics. From compromising sensitive information, to breaking corporate usage standards, unregulated generative AI activities can be detrimental to an organization's digital security.

Guidelines and policies (such as corporate AI usage standards) serve to keep organizations on the right side of the risk factors outlined above. They ensure that AI usage is compliant with data protection, and that its applications don’t expose organizations to any cybersecurity threats. They also nurture a uniform understanding of the potential of AI, and how it should be used to unlock the opportunities that it can unlock for companies.

Download Our Latest Gartner Report

4 Ways Generative AI Will Impact CISOs and Their Teams

Many business and IT project teams have already launched GenAI initiatives, or will start soon. CISOs and security teams need to prepare for impacts from generative AI in four different areas:

  1. “Defend with” generative cybersecurity AI.
  2. “Attacked by” GenAI.
  3. Secure enterprise initiatives to “build” GenAI applications.
  4. Manage and monitor how the organization “consumes” GenAI.

Download this research to receive actionable recommendations for each of the four impact areas.