Portal26 Named Finalist in 3 Categories for A.I. Awards

Transform Your Secure Web Gateway into a Powerful GenAI Governance and Security Platform

Press Resources And Inquires

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About Portal26

Portal26, formerly Titaniam, is an award-winning Generative AI (GenAI) visibility and data security leader. Its GenAI Visibility and AI Trust, Risk, and Security Management (AI TRiSM) SaaS Platform helps organizations embrace and accelerate the competitive promise of GenAI throughout the enterprise. It serves as the essential foundation to provide organizations with the full visibility to understand GenAI use – along with the governance, security, and education to manage it well.

Press Inquires

Touchdown PR Limited

Austin, TX
Suite 151,
3737 Executive Center Dr,
TX 78731
+1 (512) 599 4015

Email: Portal26@touchdownpr.com